News: Cleaning training in the New Year

Training in the New Year

Jangro is making training a priority this year.

As the country eases out of lockdown and restrictions, Joanne Gilliard, CEO of Jangro, advises on the cleaning and hygiene measures businesses need to have in place to stay safe. Cleaning and hygiene have been vital in its organisational success. However, with restrictions easing, this has become a priority for companies.  While health and safety regulations state that employers have a duty of care for their staff, social distancing measures has made this more vital than ever considering that it is still uncertain how long social distance measures continue to be expected.

As people’s expectations of hygiene and clean environments are higher than ever, so are the increased expectations of training professional cleaning staff at a high quality.

These modules are available to Jangro customers and staff having a variety of courses and are very flexible as they can be joined at any time remotely and train on the go options, all with step-by-step instructions of how to follow cards. Some of the modules include Health and Safety, Washroom Hygiene, COSHH, Floor Care, Kitchen Hygiene, among others.

At Eco Drift, all the members of our team receive the appropriate training in all aspects of commercial cleaning, including but not limited to the best cleaning methods, eco-friendly cleaning practices, CoSHH, H&S, Fire Safety, Customer care. Having formally trained cleaners will keep you and your business safe and hygienic at all times.

