The 5 workplace areas where germs can grow really fast!

We are all aware that offices can be breeding grounds for germs, but do you know which are the worst affected areas? In this article, we aim to share the top five workplace areas where germs grow fast, so you know where to establish extra protocols for.

5 germ hotspots in your office

1.  Desks

With hybrid working becoming the norm it has seen the rise in hot-desking, where sharing desks and transferring work from area to area (including home to office) can bring with it the spread of germs. A recent study showed that up to 10 million living bacteria are sitting on and around the average deskspace (making them 400 times dirtier than toilets). Use special lighting and your desk might look like a crime scene of germs!

Office desks are likely to carry Staphylococcus among other germs, which means you need to pay special attention to all touchpoints to clean the space effectively. This means detailed cleaning for your 

  • keyboard (where 7,500 bacterias are lurking)
  • computer mouse (3 times more germs than a toilet handle)
  • phone (a US study found up to 25,000 organisms on the average phone)
  • office cups and mugs

2.  Shared kitchens

Harmful bacteria can build up quickly in an unclean fridge, but did you know that touchpoints around the handles and shelving can also transfer germs from other parts of the office to the kitchen and vice versa.

Think for a moment about the other areas of the kitchen you and your staff use regularly. Where are the touchpoints where germs can linger? It’s likely to be

  • door handles
  • work surfaces
  • cupboard handles and shelves
  • kitchen bin lids
  • recycling bins
  • coffee maker/kettle
  • sink

Then of course there are the dishes and cutlery if they are not cleaned properly.

The kitchen sponge is also a big culprit of E.coli and Salmonella buildup, which is why it should be replaced at least every 2 weeks. We would also include dishcloths and kitchen towels in this scenario too.

3.  Shared bathrooms

Did you know that only 61% of people wash their hands properly after visiting the bathroom? A recent survey found that those who do not, are likely to either choose when to clean their hands or whether to clean them at all! This means a big opportunity for germs to spread around the office via touch, throughout the day.

There are also touch points within the bathroom that build up germs quickly. The first of course is the toilet itself, especially around the seat, lid and handle. Then there are the toilet rolls and dispensers, sink areas, mirrors, towel rails, or dispensers and door handles.

Did you also consider the light switch? Toilets can often be internal rooms within a building or complex, often with very little natural ventilation and light and because of this the switch often triggers the extractor fan too. This switch or pulley (and even the cord if you have one) is a big touchpoint most staff will use at least twice during their toilet break.

4.  Photocopiers

One of the main shared office equipment pieces is the photocopier. Buttons, scanning beds, toner, or paper trays and casing doors are all touchpoints that breed germs. Since Covid we may have added a hand gel to the area to stop germs from spreading, but how many copy rooms or areas still have protective protocols as we settle into life beyond lockdowns?

Making sure that you have your photocopiers on your cleaning company’s rota is crucial if you want to reduce sick days from the spread of germs in the office.

5.  Water coolers

Just as photocopiers are regularly used in offices, so are water coolers, allowing your staff to refresh regularly during the day. This can lead to germ build-up around the water handles, cups, cup refill areas and the bottles themselves.

How a regular 4D cleaning routine can stop germs dead!

Whilst you can incorporate general cleanliness and hygiene protocols into your staff’s working routine, this won’t stop most germs from spreading. This is where your cleaning company comes in. They should be given access to the entirety of your office to carry out daily and weekly cleans, with deeper cleans forming a more regular monthly schedule.

Here at Eco Drift we work using a 4D cleaning protocol, which takes the cleaning process much further, by looking at surfaces (including touch points), floors, walls and ceilings, plus the air. Meaning we take a holistic approach to stop bacteria dead in their tracks, wherever they are, by attacking them from all angles.

Our approach is environmentally friendly, ensuring you and your staff are safe from harmful chemicals, whilst getting the deepest of regular cleans over traditional methods.

Need to call in the cleaners? Give us a call today at +44 (239) 228-7112
